For 3 years at my osteopathy college, I had the pleasure of being part of its staff. During that time, I co-authored two books, developed the curriculum for the pre-osteopathy program, and taught introductory courses to first year students. It was there that my love of mentoring was born alongside my love of osteopathy; I try my best to translate an educational experience into my treatments because I believe that education about one’s own body is vital to the healing process. I also believe the role of the educator should be to teach how to think, rather than what to think. The practice of osteopathy is just as much how to think about the body as it is to manipulate the body; for this reason, I believe the osteopathic thought process has much to offer practitioners of every manual therapy discipline.
After over 11,000 treatments and nearly a decade of immersing myself into osteopathy, I am thrilled for this next organic progression in my professional development wherein I return to the role of an educator. In conjunction with my professional practice, I have launched an official supervision/mentorship program available to other manual therapists. While in the infancy of this pilot program, participants can currently* glean experience and information from:
Participants can choose which features of the program in which to participate, based on their interest and assessed areas for improvement, up to a maximum number of hours per week. Participants must currently maintain a manual therapy practice (full or part time) with the necessary licensure, qualifications, and professional insurance for their practice.
If you are interested and wish to learn more, please submit a cover letter along with your CV to
I look forward to connecting with you!